The Power of Push Notification OTPs in Preventing Cyberattacks

The Growing Threat of Malware Apps and the Need for a Safer Authentication Method, More Secure User Experiences

Hafiq Iqmal
5 min readMay 24, 2023
Image by Freepik

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, businesses and consumers are constantly playing catch-up with innovative and relentless cybercriminals. Recent cyberattacks have seen malicious software sneak onto customers’ mobile apps, reading incoming SMS messages, including those containing one-time passwords (OTPs). This alarming development has led to a drastic increase in unauthorized account takeovers, causing significant distress and financial losses.

As a developer with first-hand experience in these digital battlegrounds, I understand the urgency of addressing this issue. Fortunately, there’s a promising solution on the horizon: Push Notification OTPs. Let’s take a deep dive into this new technology, its advantages and how we can implement it effectively to safeguard our digital assets.

The Threat of Malware Apps



Hafiq Iqmal

Technical Lead | Software Engineer | Laravel Enthusiasts | Tech writer | UiTM Alumni | Husband | Proud father of a beautiful daughter